
Broken Glass Abstracts

"Soular Spririts In Broken Worlds" -Glass Abstracts

Series of fine art images of ligthed and colored broken or whole glass pieces painted residuals from everyday glass items we use day to day..

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Broken Glass Abstracts

Paolo Salcido- Artist’s Statement on "Soular Spirits In Broken Worlds"

“Soular Spirits Drifting In Broken Worlds” project exhibits abstract celestial and terrestrial heavens in colorful spaces through photographic color, light and painted with residual red wines with broken glass. I paint a futuristic ethereal & planetary chaos within unrecognizable fictional solar systems.

“Soular Spirits Drifting in Broken Worlds” began knowing his spirit lives in us & born is my photographic art compositions with cultural observations of the lost human race wandering through space,life & environments changing, leading to chaos that once was order. Now ask, “what is it to be human?”.The feeling of being is no longer enough to be human is becoming something more than human souls and spirits. We are drifting in space with less security of our place in the universe. This project focuses on the growing desire of a human mantra to be overly efficient, productive, convenient, and dependent on high tech connectivity within AI, software,computers, machines, robotics and their effects on humans

My art is a state of dreaming & change in the darkness of night. I paint with light abstract worlds in space & seemingly disconnected emptiness of space in his firmament. Who are we?

Digital Universe- AI & Surveillance -To Be Human

This is a look of how much has changed in our world over the last few decades & months. Since 1984 & the introduction of Apple computers, which has given the world personal computers and now others are showering us with AI products at people's digital fingertips. It's my view of abstract photography looking through pixelated images that depict the feeling of being under surveillance, possibly controlled & even disconnected from humanity. A new reality with jobs disappearing, economy changes, wealth shifting and much of society push to efficiency, convenience, progress, production, and who will have access or even more, who will be left behind in an already world of have nots.

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  • Salcido_PaulPaolo_1jpeg. 29.jpg
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Digital Universe- AI Targets

As we move through time and space, the mathematics of a digital universe has claimed it's place amongst the human race and more.

  • TargetsAbstracts (1 of 2).jpg
  • DigitalUniverse - A Path of Confusion(1 of 1).jpg

    Digital Abstract of Light

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  • DaysGoneByOaklandPortest-2013.jpg
  • SanFranciscoRisingDeathDesign-9813.jpg
  • Vote Kids-2.jpg
  • RainbowOfShadowsSF2 (1 of 1).jpg
  • CliffHouse (1 of 1).jpg

Targets In A Digital Universe

Abstract Fine Art

Fine Art Abstracts are images that have been mostly created in camera found subject matter or some software manipulation to express my vision on how or what the objects would take on new shapes.

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  • Loaves and Fish
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  • The Calling :Abstract - (36 of 211).jpg
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  • Art YOU Called and Do YOU Hear Him?Abstract (27 of 211).jpg
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  • Run-a-way on isolated roadway San Francisco- paolophoto.com/woman-San Francisco/runaway/photo.jpg of SalcidoArts Stock
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Photographic Abstracts

Paolo is a fine art photographer based in San Francisco, California and travels wherever he is assigned to do the photographic assignment to make it come true.

Truth in imaging is a passion to give the true message. any subject or conceptual project can provide an image to penetrate or pursuade, but to attach truth is transparency. Though compositing art is not reality, we must ask of the story, what is the truth? Truth is needed in creation. Fine art can be a Truthful story when the moment is captured.

The World's Restaurants - the Old & the New

  • Loaves and Fish

What if;the New and the Old - Paris

Cooking food is the oldest of industries or maybe construction of shelters, but for now we'll say food, because we can't go without it. So, once the first community had an outdoor gathering with food, was it the first outdoor cafe?

Now, if we were to look at many cities today, say Paris. How would you see it's streets different and it's cafes?. Yes, there's a few new buildings here and there, but how much has a city changed if the cars and trucks didn't give it away to recognition of it's former self. Deep in the streets of a city away from the skylines and modern transport, is the truth revealed in the heart of thriving daily human activities that make it all so, familiar in yesterday and today.

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  • ParisUmbrels-5-2.jpg

    Paris in the rain and people on the way to their corporate work places.

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  • ParirRisingOldWaiter (1 of 1).jpg

Paris Rising - Yesterday or Today

Paris has some of the oldest restaurants in the world. See the workers, the clientele and the architectural interiors of the globe's oldest restaurants. The new can appear old in Paris.

  • ParisWaiters (3 of 3)-2.jpg

Paris- Moments of Truth

Paolo is a fine art photographer based in San Francisco, California and travels wherever he is assigned to do the photographic assignment to make it come true.

Truth in imaging is a passion to give the true message. any subject or conceptual project can provide an image to penetrate or pursuade, but to attach truth is transparency. Though compositing art is not reality, we must ask of the story, what is the truth? Truth is needed in creation. Fine art can be a Truthful story when the moment is captured.

  • ImmigrantWorkers-1-2.jpg

Young & Old

Cooking food is the oldest of industries or maybe construction of shelters, but for now we'll say food, because we can't go without it. So, once the first community had an outdoor gathering with food, was it the first outdoor cafe?

Now, if we were to look at many cities today, say Paris. How would you see it's streets different and it's cafes?. Yes, there's a few new buildings here and there, but how much has a city changed if the cars and trucks didn't give it away to recognition of it's former self. Deep in the streets of a city away from the skylines and modern transport, is the truth revealed in the heart of thriving daily human activities that make it all so, familiar in yesterday and today.

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    How Long Ago Was A Boy Dancing:?

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    How Old Ago Was These Hats Worn?

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    Le Procop Restaurant (estb.-1686}

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    Le Procope restaurant

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    Cafe Le Procope (est. 1686)

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  • Paris Waiters; the old and young(3 of 7).jpg

    Paris has some of the most experienced waiters in the world.

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    Cafe Le Procope ( est.-1686)

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  • ParisWaiters (3 of 3)-2.jpg

    What If You Saw This 100 years ago?

Paris Rising

Immigrant workers in Paris restaurants as part of the labor force.

ParisDreamWaiters (2 of 7).jpg

Waiter's Dream

Paris is know for their restaurants & cafes as well as their waiters and chefs.

Photographic narrative of working immigrants at the Oldest Global Restaurants; Pre-pandemic in NYC,Paris & San Francisco

Portraits of immigrant workers in the restaurant industry from the oldest cafes around the globe pre-pandemic

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Are You Being Served?

Immigrants are part of what makes America, both in labor and their contributions to the entrepreneur spirit of America's culture. Innovation, education, intellectual property and ingenuity is America's best assets, along with it's generations of immigrants who wish to move up in society and start off in labor intensive jobs.

New York, New York- America's Oldest Restaurants

Immigrants are part of what makes America; both in labor and contributions to the entrepreneur spirit of it's culture. Innovation, education, intellectual property and ingenuity is America's best assets, along with it's generations of immigrants who wish to move up in society and starting in labor intensive jobs.

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  • NYCrestaurantsCafes (1 of 1)-32.jpg
  • NYCrestaurantsCafes (1 of 1)-43.jpg
  • NYCrestaurantsCafes (1 of 1)-39.jpg
  • NYCrestaurantsCafes (1 of 1)-41.jpg
  • NYCrestaurantsCafes (1 of 1)-31.jpg
  • NYCrestaurantsCafes (1 of 1)-28.jpg
  • NYCrestaurantsCafes (1 of 1)-28.jpg
  • NYCrestaurantsCafes (1 of 1)-27.jpg
  • NYCrestaurantsCafes (1 of 1)-21.jpg
  • NYCrestaurantsCafes (1 of 1)-19.jpg
  • NYCrestaurantsCafes (1 of 1)-23.jpg
  • NYCrestaurantsCafes (1 of 1)-27.jpg
  • NYCrestaurantsCafes (1 of 1)-22.jpg
  • NYCrestaurantsCafes (1 of 1)-18.jpg
  • NYCrestaurantsCafes (1 of 1)-17.jpg

World's Oldest Restaurants- New York

Immigrants are part of what makes our world tick; both in labor and contributions to the entrepreneur spirit of life & cultures. Innovation, education, intellectual property and ingenuity is the globe's best assets, along with it's generations of immigrants who wish to move up in society and starting in labor intensive jobs. Immigration is the world's labor resource.

Yes, Chef!

Immigrants are part of what makes America both in labor and contributions to the entrepreneur spirit of it's culture. Innovation, education, intellectual property and ingenuity is America's best assets, along with it's generations of immigrants who wish to move up in society and starting in labor intensive jobs.

San Francisco Rising

  • SFalcatraz-2-2.jpg
  • portfolioSkateTwins-0741.jpg
  • SFalcatraz1800oNeil-8.jpg
  • PaoloPortfolio-6.jpg
  • StreetArtBiz-9746.jpg
  • StreetArtBiz-9749.jpg
  • untitled-1.jpg
  • untitled-1-2.jpg
  • Silicon Valley Sailing-America's Cup

    Silicon Valley,California,Business,Paolo Diego Salcido,city,food,landscape,wine,dining,art,sailing,Oracle,Americas Cup,sports

  • 2_0_1358_1paolophoto2016aliotos_9928.jpg
  • 3_0_1357_1paolophoto2016aliotos_.jpg
  • San Francisco's Oldest Restaurants
  • 1san_francisco_rising_0439
  • 1san_francisco_rising_8154
  • San Francisco's Oldest Restaurants
  • San Francisco's Oldest Restaurants
  • 8_0_1364_1paolophoto2016fior_.jpg
  • San Francisco's Oldest Restaurants
  • 10_0_1367_1paolophoto2016stfrancis_.jpg
  • 1san_francisco_rising_8352
  • 1san_francisco_rising_7254_2
  • 1san_francisco_rising__3
  • 1portfolio_0741
  • 1san_francisco_rising_3106


  • 1san_francisco_rising_8754
  • 1san_francisco_rising_9379_2
  • 1san_francisco_rising_9293
  • 1san_francisco_rising__2
  • San Francisco's Oldest Restaurants
  • San Francisco's Oldest Restaurants
  • 1san_francisco_rising_7678
  • CPC2014ArtAuctionSintaro
  • CPC2014ArtAuctionSintaro
  • CPC2014ArtAuctionSintaro
  • CPC2014ArtAuctionSintaro
  • CPC2014ArtAuctionSintaro
  • 26_0_1365_1paolophoto2016jesuslastsupperf_.jpg
  • 1san_francisco_rising_6478
  • 1san_francisco_rising_6479
  • CPC2014ArtAuctionSintaro
  • CPC2014ArtAuctionSintaro
  • CPC2014ArtAuctionSintaro
  • CPC2014ArtAuctionSintaro
  • CPC2014ArtAuctionSintaro
  • CPC2014ArtAuctionSintaro
  • CPC2014ArtAuctionSintaro
  • CPC2014ArtAuctionSintaro
  • CPC2014ArtAuctionSintaro

Fine Art

  • 1porterville_64
  • 1porterville_62
  • 1porterville_56
  • 1porterville_55
  • 1porterville_44
  • 1porterville_40
  • 1porterville_70
  • "Dog day afternoon"


  • 1wiretower_
  • 1i5_2
  • 1travelportf_3411
  • 1_mg_3665
  • 1darkalley_1
  • 1paolosamplesaman2012_9254

    Paolo (Paul) Diego Salcido

  • "Dog day afternoon"


  • 1sftouristmannequin_1583_1

    Paolo (Paul) Diego Salcido

  • 1sftouristmannequin_1607_3

    Paolo (Paul) Diego Salcido

  • 1sftouristmannequin_1606_4

    Paolo (Paul) Diego Salcido

  • V for Vision_Man in the Mask-paolophoto.com/mask/San Francisco/photo.jpg

    abstract editorial portrait of young man at night by pool side with Vendetta mask-paolophoto.com/mask/San Francisco/photo.jpg in black shirt at party in San Francisco Bay Area,California by San Francisco advertising photographer PaoloPhoto.

  • Walk with the Fish- paolophoto.com/fish/people/photo.jpg

    photograph by San Francisco advertising photographer PaoloPhoto of young man in Hawaii walking past wall mural- paolophoto.com/fish/people/mural/Hawaii/photo.jpg

  • 1travelportf_2835
  • 1travelportf_2830
  • 1travelportf_2825
  • 1umbrella_7459
  • 25_0_62_1swanorient_3.jpg
  • 25_1_463_11-druef2013satur_.jpg
  • 26_0_456_11-drue_07_editredinfra1240.jpg
  • 26_1_453_11-drue_07_editreddarkgreendark.jpg
  • 27_0_455_11-drue_07_editreddarkgreenmid.jpg
  • 27_1_461_11-drue_07_editredlitegreenblack1240.jpg
  • 1porterville_2356
  • 1italy_5
  • 1italy_1
  • 1italy_2
  • 1italy_203
  • 1barn_0521
  • 1oaklandartmurmur_2013_3
  • 1rob_2535
  • 1travelportf_2808_2
  • 1travelportf_3351

Asia Fine Art -color/b&w

Asian woman in red dress

  • 1swanorient_3

    portrait of Oriental woman artist n bamboo

  • 11-druef2013satur_
  • 11-drue_07_editred1240
  • 11-drue_07_editredmidgreenlite1240
  • 11-drue_07_editredblackgreenlite1240
  • 11-drue_07_editreddarkgreendark
  • 11-drue_07_editliteblu1240
  • 11-drue_07_editredinfragreendark
  • 11-drue_07_editredinfragreenlite1240
  • 11-drue_07_editredlitegreenblack1240
  • 11-drue_07_editredinfra1240
  • 11-drue_07_editredinfra1240f
  • 11-drue_07_editreddarkgreenlite
  • 11-drue_07_editreddarkgreenmid

Asian Fine Art

B&W photographs of fine art Asian woman series

Can You See?

Images of windows and structures reveal a cross

  • 1homeless_8114_4
  • 1i5_2
  • 1travelportf_3411
  • 1untitled_6395
  • 010A6A65-7983-48EB-96BB-981125FD4DB5.jpeg
  • Human Kindness in Serving
  • 05DF2DFD-5068-4233-9E18-E85D2E46DFFF.jpeg
  • 1paolophotousshornetf_0332
  • Veiled Cross

    stained glass cross

  • C777244A-F034-4F9F-B575-778E4F4F662C.jpeg
  • Many Colors Of Christ

    Cross on a hill at sunset

  • Last Supper San Francisco


  • B&W Veiled Window Cross


  • SeeTheCross-0852.jpg
  • SeeTheCross-0542.jpg
  • SeeTheCross-0535.jpg
  • See the Cross


  • urban-4437-3.JPG
  • 05DF2DFD-5068-4233-9E18-E85D2E46DFFF.jpeg
  • JesusFaith-2124-3.jpg
  • The Rock of Faith

    Sometimes we walk thru life and don't notice the signs put in front of our eyes.

  • FACF41AC-2DA8-4879-BB9E-B4CB41C23770.jpeg
  • 010A6A65-7983-48EB-96BB-981125FD4DB5.jpeg
  • JesusFaith-1647.jpg

    On the Other Side-Open the Door To A New Life

  • Cross On The Hill

    Cross of salvation at Sunset

  • Abstract (1 of 6)-2.jpg
  • OceanArt-0386.jpg
  • OceanArt-0396.jpg
  • OceanArt-0397.jpg
  • LB1800Port-8294.jpg
  • LB1800Port-8289.jpg
  • LB1800Port-8269.jpg
  • OceanArt-0383.jpg
  • OceanArt-0389.jpg
  • LB1800Port-8241.jpg
  • LB1800Port-8315.jpg



The Global AI & Crossing Borders

A study in abstracts of Latin America

  • CityRisingOldTechNewTech-4176.jpg
  • LB1800Port--9 - Copy.jpg
  • NightLifeFramerCableCar (1 of 1).jpg
  • Chinatown&Covid-3673-2.jpg
  • IndustryCultureMex-6551.jpg
  • Skate Twins
  • LB1800Port-5 - Copy.jpg
  • 1portfolioport_21
  • LB1800Port-4384.jpg
  • untitled-7472.jpg
  • WindowsOfWomen (1 of 3).jpg
  • DigitalUniverse (1 of 1).jpg
  • TargetsAbstracts (1 of 2).jpg
  • DSCN8232.JPG
  • DSCN8233.JPG
  • 1darkalley_1
  • V for Vision_Man in the Mask-paolophoto.com/mask/San Francisco/photo.jpg
  • 1_0_178_1iconiccinematicportraits_3_1.jpg
  • IMG_3997.JPG
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  • IMG_6031.JPG
  • location-4161.JPG
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  • P6050627.JPG
  • P6050628.JPG
  • _DSC4339.JPG
  • Porterville-38.jpg
  • LB1800Port--10 - Copy.jpg
  • landscape-3056.JPG
  • IndustryCultureMex-1415-2.jpg
  • LB1800Port-1644.jpg
  • portfolio-7626.jpg
  • LB1800Port-1583.jpg
  • RainbowOfShadowsSF2 (1 of 1).jpg
  • LB1800Port-8 - Copy.jpg
  • LB1800Port-8311-2.jpg
  • LB1800Port-8364.jpg
  • LB1800Port-8411.jpg
  • LB1800Port-9505.jpg
  • LB1800Port-9506.jpg
  • LB1800Port-9510.jpg
  • LB1800Port-8241.jpg
  • LB1800Port-8253.jpg
  • LB1800Port-8315.jpg
  • LB1800Port-8269.jpg
  • LB1800Port-8289.jpg
  • LB1800Port-8294.jpg
  • OceanArt-0383.jpg
  • OceanArt-0386.jpg
  • OceanArt-0389.jpg
  • OceanArt-0396.jpg
  • OceanArt-0397.jpg
  • CPCmex09-6478.jpg
  • LB1800Port-4372.jpg
  • LB1800Port-4375-2.jpg
  • LB1800Port-4377.jpg
  • LB1800Port-4378-2.jpg
  • LB1800Port-5163.jpg
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  • LB1800Port-5174.jpg
  • LB1800Port-5181.jpg
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  • LB1800Port-1634.jpg
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  • LB1800Port-3680.jpg
  • LB1800Port-3682.jpg
  • LB1800Port-1544.jpg
  • LB1800Port-1556.jpg
  • LB1800Port-1558.jpg
  • LB1800Port-1602.jpg
  • LB1800Port-1608.jpg
  • LB1800Port-1611.jpg
  • 1san_francisco_rising_8160
  • IndustryCultureMex-6541.jpg
  • LB1800Port-1-4.jpg
  • LB1800Port-2-15.jpg
  • LB1800Port-2-17.jpg
  • _MG_9642.JPG
  • LB1800Port-3765.jpg
  • LB1800Port-6791.jpg
  • LB1800Port-8467.jpg
  • DaysGoneByOaklandPortest-2013.jpg
  • Protests-2.jpg
  • Yosemite-5276.jpg
  • Yosemite-5281.jpg
  • Yosemite-5345.jpg
  • Yosemite-5366.jpg
  • Yosemite-5383.jpg
  • Yosemite-5385.jpg
  • Paris-SolitudeRide-8580.jpg
  • c_ParisRising-SolitudeOfBirdman-8547.jpg
  • h_ParisRising-SolitudeLips-8937.jpg
  • SanFranciscoRisingDeathDesign-9732.jpg
  • CliffHouse (1 of 1).jpg
  • CliffHouse (1 of 1)-5.jpg
  • OaklandMegaMan (1 of 1).jpg
  • Waiter (1 of 1).jpg
  • DSC01227.JPG
  • IMG_3946.JPG
  • Night-ife (4 of 10).jpg
  • Night-ife (6 of 10).jpg
  • Night-ife (7 of 10).jpg
  • Night-ife (9 of 10).jpg
  • Night-ife (10 of 10).jpg
  • NightLifeFramerCeilingAbstract (1 of 1).jpg
  • NightLifeFramerLight (1 of 1).jpg
  • NightLifeFramerGas (1 of 1).jpg
  • NightLifeFramerNYC (1 of 1).jpg