Digital Universe- AI & Surveillance -To Be Human

This is a look of how much has changed in our world over the last few decades & months. Since 1984 & the introduction of Apple computers, which has given the world personal computers and now others are showering us with AI products at people's digital fingertips. It's my view of abstract photography looking through pixelated images that depict the feeling of being under surveillance, possibly controlled & even disconnected from humanity. A new reality with jobs disappearing, economy changes, wealth shifting and much of society push to efficiency, convenience, progress, production, and who will have access or even more, who will be left behind in an already world of have nots.

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Digital Universe- AI Targets

As we move through time and space, the mathematics of a digital universe has claimed it's place amongst the human race and more.

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  • DigitalUniverse - A Path of Confusion(1 of 1).jpg

    Digital Abstract of Light

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Targets In A Digital Universe